Welcome to the Royal Arch
I am delighted to welcome you to the website of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Gloucestershire & Herefordshire. Whether you are a Royal Arch Companion, a Craft Mason or someone who is considering joining Freemasonry, I trust that you will find something of interest within these pages.
The Province of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire is unique in so much as it is the only Royal Arch Province in the constitution that covers two Craft Provinces. Our Chapters meet at twenty locations across the two counties and provide a magnificent opportunity to meet new friends, visit new venues and experience the rich tapestry of Royal Arch Masonry.
The ceremony of Exaltation, as well as being beautiful and meaningful, completes the journey in Pure Ancient Freemasonry, which started on the day of one’s initiation.
I became a Royal Arch Mason in 1983, only ten months after I had become a Master Mason. I remember after completing the third degree, it was apparent that there were still questions to be asked and more to be discovered. It was by talking about this with some of my brethren, that I learnt by joining the Royal Arch, I would find the answers. Forty years on, I am still enjoying the beautiful and inspiring ceremonial and the companionship and enjoyment that Royal Arch membership provides.
If you are a Master Mason who has not yet become a member of the Royal Arch, I encourage you to find out more by talking to the Royal Arch Representative in your Lodge, or anyone who proudly wears the distinctive Royal Arch jewel. Alternatively, you can email the Provincial Grand Membership Officer at membership@gandhroyalarch.org.uk
I know they will be delighted to help, and I look forward to welcoming you into the Order and our wonderful Province.
Michael Holland
Most Excellent Grand Superintendent